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海兔影院(www.haitum.cc)第一时间为您提供《玉健煌崇大件事》的免费在线观看,玉健煌崇大件事是由 李国煌导演,李国煌,周崇庆,陈建彬,陈碧玉 Biyu Chen等领衔主演,本片(剧)上映于 2019,对白语言为 普通话,属于 喜剧片 类型, 敬请知悉。最后,祝您观影愉快!以下为剧情简介:After having immense success with The Breakfast Quartet《玉建煌崇》radio talk show on MediaCorp LOVE 97.2FM and “The Love 97.2 Breakfast Quartet” TV series 《玉建煌崇电视版》, the popular quartet is now back with their very own movie! MAKE IT BIG BIG is a reality comedy that delves into the secret lives of the leading four radio-presenters, detailing how these celebrities deal with living in the public eye, meeting the daily expectations of their fans and their personal issues. The movie also highlight star-studded cameos by Zoe Tay 郑惠玉, Christopher Lee 李铭顺, Fann Wong 范文芳, Chew Chor Meng 周初名, Jack Neo 粱志强, Henry Thia 程旭辉, Guo Liang 郭亮, You Yi 有懿 and Hong Kong’s Chapman To 杜文泽.
更新时间:12个月前 / 热度:1°C