

玛塔·涅拉柯薇姿,迈克尔·茹拉夫斯基,Natalia Bartnik,








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海兔影院(www.haitum.cc)第一时间为您提供《野玫瑰》的免费在线观看,野玫瑰是由 安娜·雅朵夫斯卡,导演,玛塔·涅拉柯薇姿,迈克尔·茹拉夫斯基,Natalia Bartnik,等领衔主演,本片(剧)上映于 2017,对白语言为 波兰语,属于 剧情片 类型, 敬请知悉。最后,祝您观影愉快!以下为剧情简介:
Ewa returns to her village after a hospital stay. She works on a plantation that grows wild roses. While Ewa was away her mother has been taking care of her children Marysia and Jas. Ewa's husband Andrzej also returns home after working for months in Norway. The time apart has created distance between them. During Marysia's first munion, Ewa starts to feel ill. Her friend Basia drives her home. Basia admits that she leaked the gossip to Andrzej about Ewa's affair with Marcel, a local high school boy. Ewa meets Marcel on the rose plantation. She says that their relationship is over. After Marcel leaves, Marta realizes that Jas, her 2-year-old son, has disappeared. The search begins. After hours a policeman appears and says that Jas has been found. Marta and Andrzej go to the next village and pick up Jas. Ewa returns to the hospital she left a few days before. We discover that Ewa had given birth to a child and put it up for adoption. Ewa wants her child back.

更新时间:2022-11-14 08:47:13 / 热度:0°C